Winter Locks Love: Hair Care Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy All Winter Long!

As the winter chill sets in, our hair often bears the brunt of the dry and cold weather. To ensure your locks stay luscious and vibrant throughout the season, here are some essential winter hair care tips to add to your routine.

1. Stay Hydrated:

Winter air tends to be dry, which can leave your hair parched. Combat this by staying hydrated from the inside out. Drink plenty of water to ensure your hair receives the moisture it needs.

2. Shampoo Smartly:

Opt for a hydrating shampoo and conditioner combo to keep your locks moisturized. Consider washing your hair less frequently to avoid stripping natural oils, but don't skip the conditioning step to maintain softness. My favorite shampoo and conditioner in the winter time is the Pureology Hydrate Sheer. I prefer this line in the winter because it adds light hydration to my hair without weighing it down. It also has essential oils that help treat the scalp dryness as well!

3. Deep Conditioning Delight:

Treat your hair to a weekly deep conditioning treatment. Look for products with nourishing ingredients like the Pureology Strength Cure Superfood Treatment to restore moisture and repair any damage caused by the harsh winter elements.

4. Shield from the Cold:

Protect your hair from the winter chill by covering it with a stylish hat or scarf. This not only keeps you warm but also prevents your locks from becoming dry and brittle due to exposure to the cold winds.

5. Lukewarm Love:

When washing your hair, resist the temptation to use hot water. Opt for lukewarm water instead, as hot water can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it more susceptible to winter dryness.

6. Trim Away Troubles:

Regular trims are essential during the winter months to prevent split ends and breakage. I recommend a trim every 6-8 weeks helps maintain the health and vitality of your hair.

7. Dry with Care:

Be gentle when drying your hair, especially during winter. Pat your hair dry with a soft, microfiber towel instead of rubbing vigorously to avoid unnecessary friction that can lead to breakage. Make sure to follow up with Redken’s Quick Blowout to protect your hair from heat damage if you plan on blowing out your hair.

8. Static Solutions:

Winter often brings static electricity, causing hair to stand on end. Combat static by using Redken’s Anti Static Hair Mist to tame any pesky flyaways or frizz.

9. Humidity Helper:

Consider using a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air. This helps combat the dry indoor conditions that can contribute to winter hair issues. It also is great for dry skin as well!

10. Embrace Protective Styles:

During winter, protective styles like braids or buns can shield your hair from the elements. This not only helps retain moisture but also reduces exposure to harsh weather conditions.

With these winter hair care tips, you can keep your locks looking healthy and beautiful despite the seasonal challenges. Embrace the cold weather with confidence, knowing that your hair is well-nourished and protected. Here's to a season of gorgeous winter locks!

Stay Gorgeous,



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